Quick wit and clever insights

Rosie Holt

Rosie has charmed audiences far and wide, establishing herself as a rising star in the comedy scene.


Rosie Holt is a talented comedian, writer, and actor with a unique and refreshing comedic style. Hailing from the UK, Rosie has quickly made a name for herself in the comedy world with her sharp wit, clever storytelling, and engaging stage presence.

Her journey into comedy began in 2014 when she was shortlisted for the prestigious BBC New Comedy Award, and since then, she has been leaving audiences in stitches with her hilarious and relatable performances.

Rosie’s comedy is characterised by her ability to find humour in the everyday, turning mundane experiences into laugh-out-loud moments. With a keen eye for observational comedy, she fearlessly delves into a wide range of topics, from her own quirky habits and relationships to social and cultural absurdities.

In addition to her success as a stand-up comedian, Rosie is also an accomplished writer and actor. She has written and performed in numerous comedy shows and sketches, showcasing her versatility and creativity as a comedic talent.

With a growing following and an ever-expanding portfolio of work, Rosie Holt’s star is on the rise in the comedy world. Her unique perspective and refreshing humour continue to captivate audiences, making her a comedian to watch and a true standout in the world of comedy.

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